April 28, magnetic materials engineers Association meeting held in Zhejiang Dongyang Hotel. At the meeting, we have made extensive discussions on the production situation, scientific research situation, raw material price and technical problems of the magnetic materials. On the technical issues, the professors and Professor Hu Shenglei and He Zhenyu have worked together. The...
23th Oct,2017, Qianglian hold a train cause for the main manager bone. The lecturer is coming from university,who is very famous in teaching the management system.28 staff have jointed the training event.the purpose of the training is to improve the whole level of the management in the company.the training also focus the management...
Every year,Qianglian will carry out the campaign "looking back" ,the event focus on the suggestions and requirements of the customers in the aspects of the magnet applications.by this method,qianglian can get more feedback from clients,and can better know the market information. In Oct,qianglian have finished the event by telphone and the questionnaires.there are some...
Today,a batch of Ferrite magnets 3000 pcs are delivery to our domestic clients, who employ them to the magnetic separators. Actually,in the magnetic separator market the F 85*65*18 mm ,F 150*100*25.4 mm are the regular specifications.So the clients from all over the world will purchase them when their business is growing. And the normally used...
The Ceramic Ferrite Magnet is made by a powder metallurgy process. Ferrite Magnets can be isotropic or anisotropic. Isotropic Ferrite Magnets can be magnetised in any direction but have weaker magnetic properties. The Anisotropic Ferrite Magnets have a preferred direction of magnetisation within the structure and have strongest magnetic properties along that direction (they...
钕铁硼磁铁专业术语【剩磁】的说明 在钕铁硼磁铁行业定义:永磁体经磁化至技术饱和,并去掉外磁场后所保留的表面场Br, 称为剩余磁感感应强度。简称剩磁,用Br表示,单位为mT(KG)毫特斯拉。KG为电磁单位制,读为千高斯。换算关系1T=10000GS。 剩磁和矫顽力是磁学界早已普遍采用的两个物理量,它们分别是从磁饱和状态(本文仅指磁通密度B而言)开始单调降低磁场强度H时所得退磁曲线与纵轴B和横轴H的交点的坐标。 电流互感器作为电力系统的主要设备之一,其性能对计量、测量、监控、保护、录波测距都有重要影响,由于运行中的电流互感器普遍存在剩磁,剩磁对电流互感器的危害较大,且剩磁一旦产生,不会自动消失,在正常运行条件下将长期存在,因而电流互感器剩磁影响电力系统稳定、可靠运行及准确计量、测量。 钕铁硼磁铁材料内被记录的信息都是作为剩余磁通被保存下来的。从提高磁带输出的观点来看,希望Br要尽可能大一些。 剩磁系数 国内对国标中规定的直流法测剩磁系数进行了相关研究: ①对直流法测试电路进行改进,如利用全桥电路作为转换开关,减少了开关抖动带来的测量误差;积分电路的所有电子元件校正到相当的准确度;放电电阻增加旁路开关,保护放电电阻; ②直流法测试过程进行优化,如电源提供的最大励磁电流应是额定电流的5倍以上时,可以在较短时间达到所要求的励磁电流限值; ③磁通实现数字化测量, 并用高准确度的标准磁通对磁通的数字化测量环节进行实时定标与校准,增加测量准确度。 直流法虽然进行了改进,但由于测量原理的制约,该方法无法同时测取初始磁通和剩磁系数这2个参数,并且当消磁不充分时,测取的剩磁系数存在误差。