Magnet intensity measure

Magnet intensity acknowledge

magnet intensity measure 2

Send us your magnet sample, we can help you to measure if the magnet intensity is powerful for your application. No worry about it, As it is our regular work to pick up magnet sample from the finished magnets to measure it and to check if the magnets are qualified. Thanks to our lab staff, who always work hard to finished his work everyday to keep our Quality Control plan to be well done every day ,every month, and every year!

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Absolutely, the job is not interesting! you need use the Guass meter to measure several points to check if the magnets are good to meet the industry’s useage.By the photos , you can get the key point. Its a small work, however its a important job.

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Of course, The inspection job not just pick up magnets and measure the magnet intensity. The staff also need to measure the size of the magnets, checking the tolerance, dispose the broken appearance magnets, caculating the reject ratio, etc. So Quality control is a hard work.

Thanks to our devoting staff to keep our Quality control plan can be fully enforced!